User Traits
Admin: Gives the user access to Company Settings and some additional features.
Active User: Indicates the active status of a user. Admins are able to deactivate users by unchecking this box.
Position: Required field intended to capture the users role within the company.
Point of Contact: This user will be automatically added as a point of contact for buyers to communicate with. The users name, job title, email, and phone number will be visible to buyers on your brand menu. If this user is a sales rep, you will not be able to turn off the point of contact setting(Within the app).
Owner: Initial owner must be marked by LeafLink employee. Owner is able to transfer ownership within the app, but will lose the access to that setting afterward.
User Permissions for Sellers
Can Access Developer Options: Gives the user access to the ‘Applications’ and ‘Developer Options’ tabs. Developer Options is accessible without admin permission.
Can Manage Customers and Contacts: Gives the user access to the ‘Customers’ tab(CRM) and included features.
Can Manage Inventory: Gives the user access to the ‘Inventory’ tab and included features.
Can Access Sales Reports: Gives the user access to the ‘Reports’ tab and ‘Sales Dashboard’ tab with included features.
Can Manage Orders Received: Gives the user access to the ‘Orders’ and ‘Messages’ tabs with included features.
Can Manage Fulfillment: Gives the user access to the ‘Fulfillment’ tab with included features.
Can Edit Prices: Gives the user access to the ‘Pricing’ tab with included features. It also gives the user the ability to edit prices on order creation/edit.
Can Export CRM: Gives the user ability to export/download CRM data. Being an admin overrides this.
Can Manage Billing: Gives the user ability to view the ‘Billing’ tab within Company Settings.
Can Access Seed To Sale Integration: This permission gives users access to the ‘Seed to Sale’ tab. This permission is required to set up and access LeafLink’s ‘Seed to Sale’ feature (Metrc and BioTrack). It can be further broken down into following sub-permissions-
- Can access Seed to Sale Integration
- Can access Seed to Sale page
- Can access Packages page
- Can access Products page
- Can access Transfers page
- Can split packages
Data Control: When enabled, this user will only be able to view/manage customers, contacts and orders for which they are the assigned sales rep. Please note this feature does not apply to Sales Reports or Fulfillment.
User Permissions for BME's
Can Edit Prices: Gives the BME user the ability to edit prices on order creation.
User Permissions for Buyers
Can Purchase on LeafLink: Gives the user access to the ‘Shop Brands’ and ‘Shop Products’ tabs with included features(Required for ‘Can Make Sample Requests’ and ‘Can Manage Orders Sent’ permissions).
Can Manage Orders Sent: Gives the user access to the ‘Orders’ tab with included features.
Can Make Sample Requests: Gives users the ability to request samples via brand menu/shop products page.
Can Access Retailer Replenishment: This gives the user access to the logistics features. It gives users access to the Warehouse feature, the ability to see inventory available at the warehouse, and place replenishment orders from that inventory that ship to a retail location. (Available in select markets)
Traceability/ Can access Seed to Sale Integration: This gives the user access to advanced features that include pay on sell through and receipt logs.