Start on your Order Summary page.
If the order is in Fulfilled status, you will see new options underneath the Seller and Buyer details. Use these to add the drivers, vehicles, and route details to the order.
(You will need to have created a transfer template.)
LeafLink pull information about the drivers and vehicles that are already in your Metrc account.
If you don't see any in the pull down menu, you will need to create these profiles in your Metrc account. (Go to Admin/ Transporters to make Driver and Vehicle profiles.)
1. Press the Add Driver to add the driver assigned to the delivery.
2. Press Add Vehicle to add the vehicle and its license plate number.
3. Press Add Route Details to add those. You can copy paste the directions from google maps or any other route planning tool.
4. Press Update Template to push the template, pre filled with driver, vehicle, license plate and route details information, to your Metrc account.
5. The template ID is in the Order information.
If you need to correct any information, you can. Make the edits. Then push the Update Template button. It will push the new information to your Metrc account.
6. Tap Attach Manifest. This will attach the manifest to the order.
Note that it may take up to 15 minutes after a manifest has been created and activated for it to appear in the Attach Manifest pull down menu.