Offering promo codes through LeafLink allows you to offer a percentage-off or a dollar discount to a select group of buyers. Whether it's a "thank you" for attending an event, or a small discount for a first-time purchase, getting a promo code built is a quick way to help inspire buyers to place an order. To get started, click into Pricing section on the left side menu of your LeafLink account (see red star), and then toggle over to the Promotions tab (see red arrow).
*Note: Users must have the "can edit prices" setting configured on their profile in LeafLink. If you don't see the Pricing section on the side menu, any admin on the account can enable this for you.
Creating New Promotions
Once on the Promotions page, you can create a new promo code by clicking the blue Add Promotion button on the top-right corner.
This will open up a window that allows you to set up details for your promotion. We'll explain each field below.
Brand - Select the brand for which this promotion applies. Note that promotions can only be set to one brand at a time.
Code - This is the code that your customer will use when checking out. Examples include FIRST10 and 420THANKU.
No Code Required - You have the ability to set up a promo with no code, that will auto apply at a certain threshold.
Discount Type - Here, you can select whether this promotion is a dollar amount off of the total or a percentage discount.
Amount - The amount field allows you to list the dollar amount or percentage that will be taken from the total when this promo is applied.
Order Minimum - The default, No Minimum, suggests that this promo code can be applied to an order with any total. If you want the minimum to, say, be $1,000 all you have to do is select Dollar Amount... (more below)
Minimum - (continued from above) ...and then list 1000 in the Minimum field!
Start Date - Here, select the date that this promotion begins on. The promo code will not work until this date.
End Date - The end date allows you to automatically choose when this promotion is over.
Usage Limits - By default, promo codes only work once. If you want the promotion to work an unlimited amount of times, though, select Usage Limits.
Visibility - Choose whether you want your promos to be visible from your brand menu to all buyers.
When the promo looks ready-to-go, click the blue Save button.
Managing Existing Promotions
To update or remove any existing promotion, you can use the three action dots on the right-hand side of the page.
To update the promo's details, click Edit. To completely remove it, simply click Delete.
Making Promo Codes Public
When setting up a promo code, you have the ability to make it publicly available. By selecting this toggle, your promo code will now show up on on your Brand Menu. As a Buyer shops your menu, they will be able to see and apply promo codes.
When you configure the promo code, you will be given the option to toggle "Display on Brand Menu".
How Your Promo Code Will Display on LeafLink
Public promo codes expand the reach and visibility of your promotions. On the Buyer side of LeafLink, they are visible from your Brand Menu as well as Shop Brands.
If you have any questions on this or anything else feel free to email for assistance!