Sellers can set up default payment options in Marketplace by navigating to the Settings Page and clicking on Payments. You can think of these as global settings that will be applied to all orders within the Marketplace, unless otherwise stated at the customer-record level in the CRM.
For Sellers who are opted into LeafLink Payments, LeafLink Payments will be set as the default payment option, where the buyer is also opted into LeafLink Payments. Unless stated in the CRM, all invoices in the Payments portal will automatically be eligible for LeafLink Payments, if it is the default payment option between the seller-buyer pair in Marketplace.
You will also have the option to set a default for non-Payments customers, and can add as many payment options as necessary, to cover the scope of all your customer relationships.
For sellers who aren't opted into LeafLink Payments, you will have the option to set a primary default for your buyers, and similar to the above, add as many payment options as necessary. The number of payment options is limitless!
Once your default payment options have been set up, you'll see them in the drop-down within the Order Summary Page, underneath Payment Option.
If for any reason you don't want your global defaults to apply to a specific customer, you can override those settings in the CRM for that individual buyer.
You can do so by navigating to Customers -> search for the Customer -> Edit -> scroll down to Payment Options. Then un-check the checkbox for "Use Standard Options" and set your preferred payment method for this customer. Click Save Changes.
This will override the global payment options you've created on your Settings Page, for any orders between you and this customer. You can override your global settings for as many buyers as needed.
For our Logistics customers, the Payment Options set in Marketplace sync with the Warehouse Dashboard. The account default will be automatically selected for you.
The Default Payment Options will also flow into the Shipping Dashboard.
Note that the payment type that is selected on an Order, or a CRM record, will override the default setting. This ensures that the correct payment type is used during deliveries.