Invoice funding on delivery helps sellers get paid faster for Flex Pay invoices. Read the FAQ below to better understand how this feature works, who it applies to, and how it will help you and your buyers improve your cash flow.
What is funding on delivery?
Funding on delivery is an early disbursement incentive in which LeafLink pays participating sellers on LeafLink Payments sooner for eligible Flexible Payment invoices, bypassing the requirement for buyers to confirm certain order deliveries.
Why did LeafLink develop funding on delivery?
Historically, sellers would have to wait for their buyers to confirm delivery of each Flexible Payment order prior to receiving payment from LeafLink, which often delayed the payout date by adding additional and sequential steps to the process. By funding sellers on delivery date for qualifying orders and continuing to allow buyers to review, confirm, and/or dispute orders concurrently, LeafLink is able to accelerate payment to our sellers and continue to provide simple and easy tools to allow our buyers to manage their orders while removing unnecessary steps in the process.
Who is eligible for funding on delivery?
Sellers paying for Flexible Payments that provide an estimated ship or delivery date prior to delivery will be eligible for funding on delivery on those orders. This feature will only impact future invoices, so invoices already in the queue will remain unchanged.
When can I expect to be paid?
While LeafLink’s goal is always to process funds as quickly as possible, there are some dependencies. You can use this reference table to better understand when your invoice will be funded based on when it’s assigned to LeafLink:
Invoice Assigned by Seller: |
Seller Receives Funding: |
Two or more days before delivery |
One day after delivery |
The day before delivery |
Two days after delivery |
Day of delivery |
Upon buyer confirmation |
After delivery |
Upon buyer confirmation |
Are there any additional steps I need to take in order to enable funding on delivery?
Funding on delivery will automatically be applied to any eligible invoices, as long as a seller has indicated the estimated order ship and delivery dates, as seen below. No other steps are required of the seller.
Which Flexible Payments orders will require buyer confirmation prior to funding?
There are a number of factors that will determine whether LeafLink will require buyer confirmation prior to funding an invoice under the enhanced experience. Generally, LeafLink will continue to require buyer confirmation prior to funding Flexible Payments orders in the following circumstances:
- Buyer paid financing charge
- Large individual and/or daily aggregate order amounts
- Orders with sellers who have been flagged for more than three delivery/ship date disputes on trailing 30-day basis
- Buyers operating under LeafLink feature pilot programs
- Other orders at LeafLink’s discretion
How do I update my buyer’s default net terms?
Default payment terms are assigned to your customers during your initial onboarding with LeafLink’s Servicing team. You can assign or adjust individual terms for each customer by contacting
All invoices generated from LeafLink will be set to the default term. You can view the terms of each buyer you are paired with on Flexible Payments by navigating to the Buyers tab and clicking on “View terms.”
Please also note that terms begin when the buyer confirms delivery of the order.
Who should I connect with if I have questions that aren’t answered here?
If you still have questions, please connect with your LeafLink Account Manager or reach out to our support team at